Rolling Shutters
Key Features
Easy and fast installation.
Available in Galvanized / S.S. / Aluminum / MS sheet materials.
Full protection for inside glass.
Smooth noiseless operation.
Shutter Motors available from 150 kg to 2000 kg.
Motor protected with internal thermal switch
Suitable for new and Existing Shutters
Sidharth Shutters is a leader in the production and manufacturing of traditional shutters, designed to
provide protection in natural disasters, all weather security for home or office security with utmost strength
efficiency. Our rolling shutters conformity with new and demanding building requirements has always
been our major objective. Quality is our motto and we manufacture it in our own units.
We also have different shutter profiles i.e. Perforated, Colored, Galvanized, Flat Profile, Narrow Profile,
Aluminum Profile, Acrylic and Polycarbonate. We have everything suiting to your requirement.